Noritake itron

Noritake itron

We are an approved Noritake Itron distributor in the Nordics (Sweden, Denmark, Norway & Finland).

Noritake Itron is a leader in electronic display innovation and focuses on smart, integrated displays and touch modules in the industrial sector.

Taking years of experience in developing bespoke user interface solutions, itron has invested in developing their operating system, iDevOS, to enable product designers the opportunity to upgrade to a much more complex user interface while maintaining their current microprocessor based core electronics. This is the essence of the latest itron iSmart range of intelligent TFT modules.

Itron now ships its touch-screens, VFD and TFT display products from manufacturing plants in the UK and Japan  to customers in the US, Europe and Asia.

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Contact us today to discuss your project with our team of experienced professionals who can provide you with cutting-edge technology solutions tailored to your environmental and technical needs.